Monday, November 07, 2005

Men's Book Clubs?

I like to read. Just finished E.L. Doctorow's "The March" , "The House of Sand and Fog" and am currently in the middle of Graham Greene's "The Quiet American." My wife asked me a little while ago about Men's Book Clubs. "Men's Book Clubs?", says I, "what an interesting idea." Which is strange, because I have quite a few male friends and family members that also like to read, but the only book clubs I know of, are women's book clubs (of which my wife belongs to two). This can't be a "novel" idea, but I'd like to think I live in a relatively happenin' (not to mention pregressive) burg filled with metrosexual male types, and this seemed like an entirely original idea to me. Why is this? Is it because the male archetype is the strong silent type and book clubs involve too much "sharing." Don't really think so. So why not a men's book club? Maybe I'm on to something here!

1 comment:

Jeff Cagwin said...

Welcome back to bloglandia, John! Looks like you're the veteran among us all, even if you have taken some time off. Men's Book Clubs...hmm...if not in Oak Park, then where? If not now, then when? I s'pose I've done something similar like at Glen Ellyn Bible some years ago but I don't think any of the men were ready to call it a book club. I think we probly called it a Moose Lodge or something so, y'know, we'd feel...manly. But hey - I say, go for it!