Der Kommissar. Rock Me Amadeus. Vienna Calling. The Kiss of Kathleen Turner. The Man. The Myth. The Legend. It can only be 80s three hit wonder ("Kathleen Turner", sadly, never made it big in the U.S.) Falco. All I know is that you weren't truly alive in the 80s if you didn't catch yourself humming:
Dreh dich nicht um, schau, schau,
der Kommissar geht um!
Er hat die Kraft und wir sind klein und dumm,
dieser Frust macht uns Stumm.
Or in English:
Don't turn around, look, look,
the Kommissar is out and about!
He has the power and we're little and dumb;
all of this frustration makes us mum.
Or if you didn't catch yourself belting out:
Es war um 1780
Und es war in Wien
No plastic money anymore
Die Banken gegen ihn
Woher die Schulden kamen
War wohl jedermann bekannt
Er war ein Mann der Frauen
Frauen liebten seinen Punk
It was around 1780
And it was in Vienna
No plastic money anymore
The banks against him
From which his debts came
It was common knowledge
He was a women's man
Women loved his punk
Much like Falco in Vienna Calling, I lament:
Vienna, Vienna, only you know me up,
know me down
You know me.
Only Vienna, only Vienna, just you alone
Where have your women gone
He sang. He danced. From Austria, he slicked his hair back like some Viennese Pat Riley. He called himself "Falco", although his given name was Johann Holzel. He was in the process of setting up a new recording studio when he drove into the path of an oncoming bus in 1998. In the Dominican Republic. And he is missed.
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