Monday, October 16, 2006

What I'm Watching

The new fall season has been solid -- I'm TIVOing the following at my house

Prison Break -- currently on hiatus after 4 episodes (World Series on Fox) But the wait has been worth it

Vanished -- it stinks, but I'm hooked. Shame it's going the way of the Big Bands

Studio 60 Live on the Sunset Strip -- the West Wing meets Saturday night live. Who knew Matthew Perry could do drama?

30 Rock -- only one episode so far... we'll see

Lost -- is driving me nuts -- how stupid can the prinicipals be? After living on the island for two years, you'd think they'd have learned not to trust strangers...

Kidnapped -- has been relegated to Saturday nights, and will apparently run its course after 13 episodes -- which stinks, because it's excellent, particularly Timothy Hutton.

The Office -- rocks. What an ensemble.

Grey's Anatomy -- appeals to the Soap Opera-y part of me. McDreamy and now McSteamy.
Tarzan Joe's not gay, but these guys are hot!

The Nine -- haven't seen it yet, but it's on TIVO

And the piece de resistance -- 24, which won't open until January...

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