Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Nice Team Leader / Hello Bob Brenly Part II

So Kerry Wood had a problem with the Cubs' play as well as Sammy Sosa's selfishness. Nice of him to wait until the season was over to do something about it. Wood has been perceived as a clubhouse leader for the Cubs -- if this is an example of a team leader, it's amazing to me that they won 89 games backbiting like this; it's also indicative of how dominant the team could have been since they won 89 games and apparently were never even on the same page. Two words for you Kerry, given your lack of timing -- Shut Up. It takes no intestinal fortitude to call a guy out when he's thousands of miles away for the offseason. If you had a problem with Sosa or your other teammates, the time to call them out is when it's happening.


The Tribune also announced today that WGN has hired Bob Brenly, the Cubs' radio color man in 1990-91, and World Series winning manager for the Arizona Diamondbacks. I remember Brenly as a pretty good analyst, though I think he's more of a homer than Steve Stone was. At any rate, I welcome Brenly to the Cubs' fold given the fact that Stoney won't be back. I'll be curious to see what happens the first few times Brenly criticizes a player next year...


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