Wednesday, November 10, 2004

John Kass

I am a huge fan of John Kass, the Tribune's page two columnist. Kass is funny, doesn't mince his words, and while I think he leans to the right politically, he's equal opprtunity in bashing political corruption as well as stupidity. He's definitely been a thorn in Richie Daley's side, which is a good thing given the fact that Da Mahre believes he's a teflon politician. Kass essentially "replaced" Mike Royko, the legendary Chicago columnist who died on the job, and wrote the scathing "Boss" about the original Mayor Daley. I think we could use a few more like Kass and Royko...

The link is to Kass' article from today's Tribune, which is much more saccharine than normal, I post the link so that you can find Mr. Kass in the future, if you're not familiar with his writing.,1,7273281.column?coll=chi-homepagenews2-utl

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