Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Penguin Swing

I happened upon this game some time ago. It's ludicrously simple. Click your mouse to drop the penguin, and then click again to let the Abominable Snowman bat him into orbit. Despite liking penguins almost as much as I like ducks (ask Jen about this), this game is incredibly addictive. It should have been an extra on the "March of the Penguins" DVD. I'll note for the record that no penguins were harmed in the making of this game...


Anonymous said...

It's true. John likes ducks. I don't really know what else to say about that. He likes ducks at the zoo. He likes wooden carved ducks. And (I find this interesting for one who likes live ducks so much) he likes to eat duck.

Tarzan Joe Wallis said...

I'm kind of like Larry the Cucumber in "king George and the Ducky" -- I just love my ducks. Couldn't say why, just do.